Shape of Breast Implant

Shape of Breast Implant

Although breast implants come in many shapes and sizes, basically there are two main types of shapes. One is more round, often called a “round” implant. The other is more teardrop shape and called an “anatomical or form-shaped” implant. The most common implant placed in the United States is a round implant and the most common in Europe is the teardrop shaped implant. There is a great deal of debate among surgeons as to which type of implant is best. The round implant tends to give more fullness to the upper portion of the breast and a little more cleavage. Many, if not most, patients find this desirable and choose this implant.

The “anatomical” implant gives a more teardrop shape to the breasts and may be a little more natural looking, especially in a woman who is very flat-chested, but the implant is usually more firm and can sometimes feel fake. Also, there tends to be less fullness in the upper portion of the breast that many women do not like. In Dr. Lane Smiths’ practice, you may choose either implant. When women want to have an implant changed to a different-shaped implant, most commonly women with teardrop-shaped implants ask to be changed to round implants.

If you have any more questions about the shape of breast implants, please call 702.838.3755 so we can answer your questions, or schedule your consultation. You can also fill out the form to the right and one of our Patient Coordinators will call you as soon as possible.

Over/Under Muscle Breast Implant Placement

Over/Under Muscle Breast Implant Placement

Subglandular vs Submuscular

You may have not known this, however breast implants placement can be under or on top of the muscle. Specifically, under or on top of the pectoralis major muscle. Plastic surgeons debate the benefits of both the positions, however you’ll have the ultimate decision when it comes to your surgery. Generally, most Las Vegas plastic surgeons will agree under muscle is the better implant placement. When you’re in your consultation, you’ll be asked about your concerns. Concerns like what your aesthetic goals are, your lifestyle, recovery time, etc… All of these questions will help you determine which is best for you.


When the implant is placed under the muscle this is called the submuscular position. When the implants are under the muscle, more of the patient’s natural tissue covers the implants.  This helps make the implants look and feel more natural.  Also the muscles help to hold them in alittle bit so they don’t roll out into the armpit as much and the muscles hide the rippling that can sometimes occur when the implantsare on top of the muscle. In addition to this when more of the patient covers the implant the implant tends to look and feel more natural. Dr. Smith almost always places the implants under muscle. Some of the disadvantages of placing the implant under the muscle is when you flex — for example when you’re doing push ups or pull ups, the pectorlais muscle will bounce a little bit. Or you’ll be able to see the crease of your muscle, this is also a disadvantage of placing the implant under the muscle.


When the implant is placed on top of the muscle and under only the breast tissue, this is called the subglandular position. The advantages of placing the implant on top of the muscle is that it is a quicker recovery. I’ll suggest this option to you if you have abnormally shaped breasts, so we can help round out your breasts. The disadvanatage of placing the implant on top of the muscle are many. The implants tend to have a more “stuck on” look, giving you a more pronounced size. There is a higher chance of the implants rippling and skin tends to stretch, which after a while leads to implants rolling into the armpit when you lay down. Still, you may desire to have a more exaggerated look and may consider putting the implants on top of the muscle. The advanatages of placing the implant under muscle outweight the disadvantages, so Dr. Smith usually places the implant under muscle.


Implants tend to drop, so when the implant is placed during surgery, Dr. Smith will place it slightly high. If the implant is placed under the muscle the muscle tends to push them alittle higher immediately after surgery. This means that about a week after surgery, you will think the implants are too high. Your skin and muscles need to stretch, so the implants tend to drop for 3-6 motnhs. Within that time period, your implants will be set in their new position and will usually cease to drop. It is important that you implants are not perfect right away, or they will drop too low and may look droopy.  This is actually the most common risk of breast augmentation, and runs about 5% in Dr. Smith’s practice. In the event you implants drop too low, or fail to drop enough, Dr. Smith will adjust them to help them be in the proper position.

Choosing Saline or Silicone Implants

Choosing Saline or Silicone Implants

You’ve probably calling every plastic surgeon in Las Vegas trying to find the answer to this very popular question. Fortunately, you found Dr. Lane Smith! He believes in giving you as many choices as possible. In doing so, giving you the most information will empower you to make the best decision for yourself. After many years of not allowing silicone implants for breast augmentation, the FDA finally approved silicone implants for breast augmentation. Because of this, you may now choose between Saline or silicone breast implants.

There are advantages and disadvantages to both types of implants. Silicone breast implants are filled with a silicone gel polymer.  This is a thick substance with the consistency of a very thick jello or thin gummy bear. These implants cannot really leak, but they can crack eventually. The silicone implants last longer than the saline implants, and currently have a lifetime warranty. Saline breast implants are filled with I.V. fluid (saline), which is mostly water with a little bit of sodium in it to match your body fluid.  These have a 10-year warranty, but an extended warranty can be purchased through the implant company.

Many people think the implants have to be replaced every 10 years but this is not true. The implants only have to be replaced when they rupture or crack. Both implants are expected to last much longer than 10 years. When the saline implant ruptures, it will not harm the patient, the body will simply absorb the water, but the breast will get smaller. When the silicone implant cracks, it should not be harmful either, but replacement is recommended.

The silicone implants have a softer more natural feel to them than the saline implants. They are also less prone to rippling (a slightly wavy appearance to the breast that can occur with the saline implants when leaning over). For most patients, silicone implants are a better implant and are the implants most commonly recommended by Dr. Lane Smith.

The silicone implants cost more than the saline implants. This is because all of the previous lawsuits regarding silicone implants.  Interestingly, the lawsuits were claiming the implants caused connective tissue diseases such as Lupus or arthritis. That has now been shown to be completely false, but the attorneys did not return the money to the implant companies they bankrupted, and the thousands of employees who lost their jobs from the lawsuits did not get their jobs back.  However, the price of the actual implants jumped 1000%, and this unfortunately must be passed directly on to the patient.

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