A woman’s breasts has become an important symbol of femininity and beauty in Las Vegas. It is one of the key features that distinguishes male from female, and as such it is given significant importance. Because of the importance placed on breasts, a woman who does not develop breasts or who develops very small breasts often feels inferior or disadvantaged. She may have difficulty finding clothes that fit or feel embarrassed to wear a swimsuit. Often self-esteem suffers. Sometimes a woman develops one large breast and another small one. This can be a great source of psychological trauma to the woman and a woman may even feel “deformed” or “abnormal.” It is nice to know that for those who desire to have larger or more symmetrical breasts there is a way to accomplish this. After surgery patients typically feel more feminine and more attractive. Clothes fit better and frequently self-esteem increases. Often patients feel it is the very best investment they ever made.
What Breast Implants Can and Can’t Accomplish
Breast implants are used to increase breast size. Sometimes by placing a larger implant on one side, we can help even out breast size and volume. This will help correct asymmetries in terms of size. However, implants will not correct other asymmetries other then breast volume. They will not correct an inverted nipple, a large areola, or drooping breasts. . If the nipple position is different between the two breasts they will not correct this problem. There are techniques to correct this, but not by using breast implants alone. In short breast implants are used to increase volume and that is their main purpose.
Breast Implants Do Not Lift the Breasts
Breast implants do not lift the breasts more than ¾ of an inch. This means breast implants will not lift drooping breasts. If the breasts are drooping they will need some type of a breast lift. Breast implants can fill a deflated breast after pregnancy, but they will not lift the breasts if they are drooping more than an inch.