Breast Implant Incision Types
Another thing to consider with your breast augmentation surgery is the incision site. Dr. Smith prefers to place the implants through three of four areas on your body. The incision usually are about 1-2 inches long, allowing him the ability to place your desired implants. They can be placed thru your armpit, through the colored part of the areola (periareolar incision) or in the crease underneath the breast, called the inframammary incision. The fourth one is called the transumbilical incision, which is the method of placing the implant through the belly button incision, then filling it with fluid. Dr. Smith almost never does this procedure because most implants women choose are silicone gel. It’s a much nicer, softer implant that allows you more options for your breast augmentation, however it cannot be placed through the belly button incision. Dr. Smith will further explain the advantages and disadvantages during your consultation. Many surgeons can only place the implants through one incision, so by choosing Dr. Smith you’ve allowed yourself the flexibility of choosing the incision that best suits your goals. He’s highly skilled in breast augmentation and is able to place the implant through any of the three incision site choices.
the periareolar and inframammary incisions are only seen when you are topless
Periareolar Incision
The periareolar incision is an incision that is made in the colored part of the areolar, underneath the nipple. The advantage of this incision is that the scar hides very well. If you have dark pigmented skin, there’s a chance you may form a dark scar. The dark scars hide in the dark areola very well and can be completely invisible. Another advantage of this incision is that sometimes we can get a little more lift if you have very droopy breasts. The main disadvantage of this incision is the slightly higher chance of changing nipple feeling. Whenever we place a breast implant, there is a chance that nipple feeling can change through any of the three incisions. However, when we go through the periareolar incision, the risk is slightly higher. Also, if you have a very small areola, it may not be possible to place large breast implants through the small areola.
Inframammary Incision
The inframmary incision is the incision that is in the crease underneath the breast. You may choose this incision because it hides very well. The advantage of this incision is that when you’re upright, the incision is not seen because your breast will cover over the incision.You’ll typically recover the quickest of any of the three incisions, and have a lower chance of changing nipple feeling than the periareolar incision. Your main disadvantage of this incision is that the scar can sometimes be seen when you lay flat on your back, lifting your breast.
Transaxillary Incision
If you’re looking to avoid having any scars on your breasts, the armpit incision has that advantage. However, there are several disadvantages to this incision. The main disadvantage is that this incision has the most painful recover and you’ll usually need about twice as long before you can return to work. The other disadvantage is that is more of a public incision, meaning the armpit incision is a little more noticeable in public. It can be seen in regular bathing suit, tank top or strapless dress, when you lift your arm and expose your armpit. However, the incision is in your armpit and may feel that people don’t really look at your armpits. Another disadvantage is that there is a small risk of losing feeling in the armpit area, which does not exist with the other incision sites. If you’re really concerned about the incision not being on your breasts, then you should choose the transaxillary (armpit) incision.
The advantages, and disadvantage, of each incision will be discussed by Dr. Smith during your consultation. Most incisions get a little darker, for about six months, then narrow and fade for about two to three years. If you take good care of your incisions, utilizing special scar gel, scar tape, and assorted scar lasers that we have at our medical spa, most incisions will become invisible. And the choice of the incision is less important than you think
If you have any more questions about breast implant incision types, please call 702.838.3755 so we can answer your questions, or schedule your consultation. You can also fill out the form to the right and one of our Patient Coordinators will call you as soon as possible..